Friday, January 13, 2012


Fear created out of thin air is all about creating regulatory jobs for bureaucrats thereby giving more power to the government—as if they don’t have enough already.
One scientist being paid by the government writes about ocean acidification and the affect it might have on the food chain and everyone automatically assumes that it is the gospel truth and like lemmings jumping into the ocean everybody jumps on the bandwagon.

The following is a direct quote: “Worldwide, the tailpipes, smokestacks, and land-clearing activities of human civilizations produce more than 32 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. About a third of that annual flux mixes into the sea. There it forms carbonic acid, which depletes the ocean’s rich soup of calcium and carbonate, the nutrients from which many marine organisms – including key plankton that sustain fish stocks – literally build themselves. Rising CO2 levels in the ocean will also directly harm many fish and shellfish, reducing their growth and survival rates.”
This--along with buzzwords like “carbon footprint” and “food miles” reinforce the religious belief systems that human activity is actually affecting the oceans that cover 4/5ths of the planet.

Obviously all the GW/GC propaganda (monkey motion) is designed to scare people into accepting more government control over their lives. Commercial fishermen already burdened with shorter seasons, individual fishing quotas and 200-mile limits are being buffaloed into accepting more restrictions on the ability of fish to harvest.
The U.N.  Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that fishing fleets account for 0.5 % of fuel consumption and that food processing accounts for 1 % of emissions. Once you factor in the global fuel and coal consumption the world’s fisheries generate only .22% of all CO2 emissions. Obviously our government is not going to include the fuel burned when it decides to invade some third-world country-- and we have invaded a number of them in the past two decades.
How much fuel is consumed in the wars to protect the oil fields in foreign countries world wide? It’s more like 50% when you add up all the heavy bombers, fighter jets, trucks, tanks and armored utility vehicles. After the war is over the military must maintain a continued presence with bases and aerial over flights.

The anti-Rothschild alliance has been formed in Tokyo.

The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the
planet. What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some Interesting, times ahead.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states: Instead of paying China in dollars the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero.
The agenda to create a North American Union will effectively erase the borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common-currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace the dollar.
Mortgaging everything within the United States isn't enough for them. They now want to mortgage the entire continents of North and South America. 
This has to be another national Jubilee that occurs every 25-years where the government erases it's debts and obligations. At the present time every asset including all Federal Parks, all land, mortgages, all infrastructure and all bonds on the heads of every living person in the entire country have been sold to foreign investors. The 250-trillion debt is real and there is no way to get out of paying it without declaring a Jubilee which is equivalent to a federal bankruptcy and then creating more debt by selling both North and south America to the Chinese.
People don't understand what this does. It lowers your standard of living because you have to work harder for the same wage to by food and pay your bills with dollars that are worth less. This lowers your standard of living until you either die or revolt and overthrow the government. Jefferson and other Free Mason founding father wrote about this. We wouldn't be in this position if they would follow and abide by the Constitution that they were sworn to uphold in their Oath of Office.
On the other side of the world the Illuminati want to enslave us by forcing everybody to pay carbon credits for all human activity. To instigate this plan they need the One World Government plans to re-wild the Earth by reducing the population 90%. Those that survive will be forced to live in a smaller house, tent or yurt, drive a smaller car, restrict their travel,  and stay on Earth forever burning carbon.

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