Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big Money Scams

I live in Alaska and have no interest in scalping tickets on e-bay. If I were an attorney I would be embarrased representing someone doing such a thing--then again attornies will sell their soul for money.

The company name is Box 1391 Aabaster, AL 35007-2061

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Liberman Law Firm wrote:

From: Liberman Law Firm
Subject: Re: HENRY KROLL Client Message
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 9:54 PM

Liberman Law Firm
Legal Service Notice Via Email: KL13457-45117-CA
February 18, 2010

Henry Kroll,

In regard specifically to the LazySystem Program Refund Policy;
The Lazy System Program is provided to you on a Conditional Use Basis as pursuant to the exchange of trade secret and proprietary information. AS REQUIRED by LAW, the CONDITION of the SALE and REFUND POLICY OFFERED is Clearly Disclosed in Writing at the time of the sale.

Your completion of the order form either in print or online and submission of fees, indicates that YOU AGREE WITH, ACCEPT, and UNDERSTAND that a 90 DAY TEST must be completed in order to qualify for a REFUND.

The company honors all refunds that are made in COMPLIANCE with the 90 DAY TEST GUARANTEE TERMS as originally provided to you in writing at the time of the sale.

At this time, we have no indication that you have completed the Terms of the 90 DAY TEST GUARANTEE.

The detailed operational procedures of any and all business opportunities are not required to be disclosed within the advertisements. You are ultimately paying your small fee to purchase these secrets... From each business course you will then learn ALL procedures and additional details of each opportunity and discover if and what additional financial requirements may be involved. Thus, the term "transfer of proprietary information".

"Free Looks" are not offered on ANY program sold via our merchants, as by the time you "look", you then know the processes and could proceed without the courses.

You should have been aware of this, as by submitting your payment, you indicate that you have READ and UNDERSTAND the conditional sale terms.

A copy of the Sales Terms and Refund Policy for the LazySystem is below:



USE IT RISK FREE FOR 90 DAYS: Examine and test the system for a FULL 90 DAYS. Then, if you have not made money (100 Plus an Hour) just like we do by using this incredible system, you may simply complete your Official Test Acknowledgement Refund Certificate included in your system package and return the entire program for a Prompt Full Refund with No Questions Asked.

If you have further questions, please contact the following respective support teams for the products that you have.

For LazySystem support contact:

I Remain,

R. Liberman, Esq.
The Liberman Law Firm

From: Ultimate Media Direct / ICPX Software & Media Direct
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:44 PM
Subject: Fw: HENRY KROLL Client Message

Who has time to spend 100 hours buying and selling sports event tickets on e-bay??
Don't fall for this one!


  1. Obama related to Hitler?
    Adolf Hitler may have been descended from both Jews and Africans, DNA tests are indicating, the Daily Mail reported.
    Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used DNA to trace 39 of the Nazi leader’s relatives earlier this year, the Daily Mail said.
    The relatives included an Austrian farmer, indentified only as a cousin named "Norbert H," the Daily Mail reported.
    A chromosome called "Haplogroup E1b1b," or Y-DNA, in the relatives’ saliva samples is rare in Germany, as well as Western Europe, the newspaper said.
    "It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews," Vermeeren said.
    Mulders told Belgian magazine Knack that "one can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised," the Daily Mail reported.

  2. Instead of giving the bankers over a trillion dollars Obam should have given every small business in America $300,000.00.They would have put it in the bank and the banks would be solvent.

    The business would hire people and everybody would have a job and the government would get all their money back in two years with incometax. Money never trickels dow hill. It only trickels uphill. This administration is tying to ruin America dn bring it to its knees.

    I e-mailed this information to Obama when he first entered offic so that everyone would have a job but nobody listens to me.
