Saturday, February 28, 2015
When recorded send to:
Henry: Frederick of the Kroll
513 Peninsula Avenue
Kenai, Alaska [99611-9998]
Whereas it is my
understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has
been given the force of law, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding a society (STATE) is defined as a number of people joined by
mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that the State of Alaska does business as a corporation with an
IRS EIN number 92-6001185 and the transactions are not always in the best
interest of the people, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that the State of Alaska sells the people’s resources for
billions of dollars and the transactions are not always in the best interest of
the people for a common goal, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding the only form of government recognized as lawful in Alaska is a
representative one, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding representation requires mutual consent, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor
governance can exist, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding all Acts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by
the Constitution Act, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding Section 32 of the Constitution Act limits it to members and
employees of government, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding those who have a Social Security Number are in fact employees of
the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the
federal government, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that it is lawful to abandon one & rsquo;s Social Security
Number, and,
Whereas it is my understanding
people in Alaska have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and
thus governed, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of
government control and statutory restraints, and,
Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land
has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions,
obligations, and limitations, and,
it is my understanding that when
your parents sign up for it, you get a Birth Certificate, which gives you
certain RIGHTS to gov't benefits. And that's in return for you depositing your
SOVEREIGNTY with the federal gov't. You see, American people are sovereign, and
as such they're not liable for the national debt or income taxes, and the gov't
needs someone to back up their fiat 'money' scheme and spending, without them
being responsible for it so they have created this criminal scheme, and,
Whereas I, Henry-Frederick of
the Kroll family was born a free man and child of God on a vessel floating on
navigable waters near the town of Seldovia before Alaska was a state, and,
My mother, the Public Health
Nurse, signed my certificate of live birth as the attending physician, and,
sometime after statehood the State of Alaska illegally absorbed my STANDARD
CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH and crossed out the original Register Number 21701
and put a blue boarder around it with a state seal and a state bond number
121462, and,
the STATE OF ALASKA CORPORATION monetized me without my consent or knowledge
and sold my fraudulent birth bond to investors, and,
Whereas I, Henry-Frederick of
the Kroll family claim to be a Freeman-on-the-Land and not a corporate bonded
slave sold into bondage by criminals, and,
Whereas "When your parents signed the birth
certificate, they created a legal fiction called a straw man. In commercial law it’s called a (homus
straus?), which is a legal fiction or straw man. First the State registered it
with the bureau of vital statistics, and then they register it with the dept.
of commerce. Then they register it with the DTC (Depository Trust Company). This
company right here (DTC) is a securities depository and settlement company. The
DTC is nominee (nominee means name) is called CEDE and company. That’s the nominee,
Whereas all your money goes through this
company (DTC). This is the clearing corporation, clearing house and settlement
depository for all commodities and securities. All commodities and securities
are registered with CEDE and Co. under rule 12. Everybody is reading the
UCC. You should be reading SEC. Alpine
publishing in NYC they have the national securities and exchange act of
1934. There are two of them one in 1933,
and one in 1934 - two different acts.
You should be studying these rules because what they're doing under rule
12 they are register your birth certificate. – Under rule 12 as a
security. They register this in the name
of CEDE and Co. There are two types of securities Certificated and
un-certificated. What they do is issue a
certificate. Isn’t that what it says on your birth (certificate of live birth)?
When they register it they issue a certificate, it becomes a certificated
security. And it’s registered in the name of CEDE and Co. What does that make them? It makes them the registered holder. This has
nothing to do with debtor/creditor law.
Whereas you own everything and you don’t
control anything. They control
everything why? Because they are the registered owner– of the certificated
security (birth certificate) and they use this as collateral. You have to know
what is going on before you go in there a start filing these UCC’s.
Whereas it is my
understanding that acting peacefully within community standards and claiming my
rights as a free man does not breach the peace, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license
must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,
Whereas as I am a
Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and not a child, I do
not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities,
especially from those who claim limited liability, and,
Whereas without security interest, the State
has NO RIGHTS/authority against you, because it has no equitable title to your
property, as you're in the PRIVATE, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that it is impossible to prove jurisdiction exists absent a
substantial nexus with the state, such as voluntary subscription to
license, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that all jurisdictional facts supporting claim that
supposed jurisdiction exists must appear on the record of the court.”
Pipe Line v. Marathon. 102 S. Ct. 3858 quoting Crowell v Benson 883 US 22.Whereas it is my understanding that “People of a state are entitled to all rights, which formerly belong to
the King by his prerogative.” Lansing v Smith, (1829) 4 Wendell 9,20 (NY).
Whereas it is my understanding that "The
state can only tax and regulate something it creates". Ward v.
Maryland 12 Wallace 418, and it did not create me, and,Whereas “The people are sovereign and not bound by general word in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title or interest, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not bind the King or the people. The people have been ceded all the rights of the King, the former sovereign,…..It is a maxim of the common law, that when an act is made for the common good and to prevent injury, the King shall be bound, though not named, but when a statute is general and prerogative right would be divested or taken from the King (or the people) he shall not be bound.” People v Herkimer, 4 Cowen (NY) 345, 348 (1825). and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the King ceded his sovereignty to the American people, so they became sovereigns without subjects, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that "The right of expatriation is a natural, inherent, and inalienable right and extends to the Indian as well as to the white race. "United States, ex rel. Standing Bear, v. George Crook. 25 F.Cas. 695 (1879), and,
Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to
claim authority or control over other parties, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over
those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a
fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate ones actions, and,
is a corporation operating under the DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION taxpayer’s
identification number: 92-6001185, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that the court: SUPERIOR COURT ‘FOR’ THE STATE OF ALASKA is a
contract court working ‘FOR’ the STATE OF ALASKA under the Department of
Administration, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that Alaska court houses are bond
trading companies contracted to take money from the birth bonds of ‘PERSONS’
by the use of ADMINISTRATIVE TRUSTS created by printing the PERSON’S name in
all capital letters to enrich the State Treasury, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that judges invest their pension funds into Corrections
Corporation of America, and,
Whereas it is my understanding
the reason my case number 3AN-04-9O8O-CI
was allowed to continue more than eleven years was for the purpose of taking
millions of dollars from my birth bond number: 1214625 that was put upon my
birth certificate by state bureaucrats without my consent or knowledge sometime
after statehood, and,
the State of Alaska allowed the dumping of radioactive drill tailing from 200
oil wells between 1060 and the year 2000, and,
it is my understanding that departments within the State of Alaska allowed two
oil tankers a day for more than twenty years to dump billions of gallons of
tanker ballast water taken from Los Angeles, Anacortes, Hawaii, Korea, and
Japanese boat harbors into Cook Inlet and Kodiak waters, and,
it is my understanding that the ballast water contained trillions of foreign
bacteria, algae and nematodes not native to Alaska that altered the plankton
blooms making it impossible for the shrimp and crab to survive thereby taking
over a billion dollars a year away from the private sector, and,
it is my understanding that there were eight oil well blowouts in Cook Inlet,
it is my understanding that offshore drilling rigs have pipes that eject toxic
pollutants deep under water where the sheen doesn’t show on the surface, and,
commercial crab fishermen like myself lost a billion dollars’ worth of boats and
gear after the crab and shrimp resource were destroyed, and,
after the crab and shrimp resources were destroyed many small town processing
plants went bankrupt and thousands of cannery workers lost their jobs, and,
the cities of Homer, Kodiak, Old Harbor and other towns lost their
infrastructure and had to depend more on state and federal grants to provide
services to their people, and,
it is my understanding that DNR allow this to happen to eliminate the inshore
fishing fleet so that they could sell billions of dollars of oil leases in lower
Cook Inlet down Shelikoff Strait, and,
it is my understanding that as it turned out there is little or no oil in the
area, and,
Whereas it is my understanding
that all processes in the cited CASE NO: 3KN-11-00695CI, have been summary
processed in which the Constitutional and commercial right to jury trial has
been abridged and denied and all other supporting processes have likewise been
summary processed, and,
Whereas I was informed by the
alleged judge of the alleged court that I could appeal if I did not like his
decision, and given that I am age 71 the alleged judge has a sadistic sense of
humor, and,
Whereas I read the conclusion
of twenty of the recent Supreme Court cases and not one of them reversed the
decision of the Superior Court, and,
Whereas my chances of
prevailing in on appeal are less than 5%, the reason being that the Court Clerk
would have to return the money taken from the bounds and given to the state,
it is my understating that this entire case constitutes multiple fraud
violations including the failure to acknowledge the July 26th 2014 BLM
survey as proof that there is no case, and,
is it my understanding that the BAR association is a foreign corporation based
in England, and,
it is my understanding that ‘BAR’ stands for British Accredited Registry, and,
it is my understanding that all officers of the court sworn to uphold BAR rules
and are acting as foreign agents on American soil, and,
it is my understanding that BAR members are foreign agents committing TREASON
on American soil and the penalty for treason is death, and,
thousands of counts of fraud have been perpetrated against the people of Alaska
depriving them of life, liberty and property worth many billions of dollars,
it is my understanding that administrative rulings by fraudulent contract
courts are totally lacking in validity and jurisdiction having no effect
whatever on sovereign citizens, and
common law is still in effect in America and USE of Federal Reserve Notes to make purchases, CREATES tax liability,
while the SSN officially makes you a taxpayer and provides the gov't with an
easy mechanism for collecting that tax. Which is why a DEMAND for lawful money
is a MAJOR step out of the corporate Matrix, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding the United States of America,{the land of the free}has more
people in jail that Russia and China combined, and,
Whereas a Harvard-UC Berkley
study found that the chance of a child escaping the poorest of Americans and
land among its richest had increased only 0.6 percent in 15 years while Denmark
has twice the chance of an American to escape poverty, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for
the use or enjoyment of it, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that the property that I inhabited for 70 years and used it before
Alaska was a state and that I have the right of use and access free of charge
Whereas I claim the right to
collect a pension if I have paid into it and claim that said right is not
affected if I abandon my
Social Insurance Number, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding that a summons is merely an invitation and summons issued by defacto
contract courts working for the corporate government create no obligation or
dishonor if ignored, and,
Whereas it is my
understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law
and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in
fact breaking the law, and,
Whereas I have the power to
refuse intercourse or interaction with peace officers who have not observed me
breach the peace, and,
Whereas permanent estoppel by
acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges
against a Freeman-on-the-Land in a de-facto contract court, and,
Furthermore, I claim that
these actions are not outside my communities ’ standards and will in
fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.
Furthermore, I claim the
right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me
is held under a claim of right, and,
Furthermore, I claim the
right to deed my property to others as I see fit, and,
Furthermore, I claim that
anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice
of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is
breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or color of right and that such
transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure and not
a contract court working for the State of Alaska, and,
Furthermore, I claim that the
courts in Alaska are de-facto and bound by the Law and Equity Act and are in
fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the
transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent
of both parties prior to providing any such services.
Furthermore, I claim all
transactions of security interests require the consent of both
parties and I do hereby deny
consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as
herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act, and,
Furthermore, I claim my FEE
SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or
agents or justice system participants is FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS PER HOUR or
portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed
or otherwise
regulated and FOUR THOUSAND
DOLLARS PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed, transported,
incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express
written and Notarized consent.
Furthermore, I claim the
right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE
SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or
my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.
Furthermore, I claim the
right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially
criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or
justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to
dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or
omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights
and freedoms.
Furthermore, I claim the law
of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.
Furthermore, I claim the
right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum
using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion
and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as I see fit.
Affected parties wishing to
dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond
appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action.
Reponses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and
penalty of perjury and registered in the Notary Office herein provided no later
than ten days from the date of original service as attested to by way of
certificate of service. Whereas if this claim is not responded to in the stated
fashion and time it shall remain in force forever, and,
I hereby present a bill: §1205. Bill in equity by injured person to the
State of Alaska.
"1. Injunctive relief; damages and
costs. Any person damaged or who is threatened with loss or injury by
reason of a violation or threatened violation of this chapter may bring a civil
action in the Superior Court in the county where he resides, to prevent,
restrain or enjoin such violation or threatened violation. If in such action a
violation or threatened violation of this chapter shall be established, the
court may enjoin and restrain or otherwise prohibit such violation or
threatened violation. In such action it shall not be necessary that actual
damages to the plaintiff be alleged or proved. In addition to such injunctive
relief, the plaintiff in said action shall be entitled to recover from the
defendant 3 times the amount of actual damages by him sustained and the costs
of the action including reasonable attorneys' fees."
Whereas 2.
Equity SUPERSEDES codes if you have a valid claim. So if you pay with green
paper you are NOT entitled to Equity. However
when I bought the Kroll homestead land from Del and Nancy Alsop, I paid them
40-one-ounce gold krugerrands when gold was worth $990 and ounce. I mentioned this fact earlier in my un-rebutted
affidavits.” I paid Dell Alsop REAL gold and I AM entitled to make a claim in
Equity. And,
A claim is a challenge of the ownership of a thing which a man has not in
possession, and is wrongfully withheld by another. Plowd. 359; Wee i Dall.444;
12 S. & R. 179. __ 1856 Bouvier's
Law Dictionary. Whereas
until 1933 we had REAL gold and silver money and
REAL common law, which was divided into AT LAW (criminal) and EQUITY (civil)
jurisdictions. But since in 1933 the United States went bankrupt, took all the
people’s gold and replaced real money with green paper, people no longer have
REAL ownership, and all property ownership is presumed to be in the State,
because you CAN'T acquire FULL ownership rights, when you pay for things with
PAPER notes.
Whereas the ownership of property is split into
the EQUITABLE title which belongs to the State, and the LEGAL title which YOU
get. And the equitable title gives the State the right to REGULATE 'your'
property, while the legal title gives you the right to POSSESS and USE that
property, subject to State regulation, and,
Whereas if we still had REAL gold money in
circulation, people would get a FULL, LAWFUL title to their property, which
would NOT be subject to State regulation, except
when used in commerce, like for example using a boat or auto for BUSINESS purposes,
after 1933 people no longer had FULL property rights, the At Law and Equity
jurisdictions were replaced by a STATUTORY jurisdiction, since in absence of
real money and lawful titles, everyone's subject to State codes and statutes.
In other words, ONLY people with FULL property rights are entitled to make a
CLAIM under Equity, while everyone else is subject to codes and statutes.
However since we the people are forced
to us the fiat paper currency we can
claim Equity, and,
Whereas the people of this nation were turned
into bonded slaves to back the fiat currency by the bond numbers put on their
birth certificates at birth, and,
Whereas when people are killed during a
military conflict the generals and the press refer to them as collateral
damage, and,
Whereas what is SPECIAL about Equity, is that it
SUPERSEDES codes and statutes. If you pay with REAL gold or silver or with
your labor then you WOULD be entitled to make a claim in Equity, and,
Whereas Equity is for anyone who was
damaged, is threatened to be damaged, or has a CLAIM which means
that it also could be used as a COUNTER-CLAIM, against anyone trying to
restrict use of your property (which you bought with lawful money) such as a
car, or when that car was impounded. In
this case we use the land and items taken in COMMERCE!
the only duty of any Government is to secure and protect property. Please restore my property.
“Truth Has No Agenda!”
Whereas the land is question is shown as tideland on all State and Federal plats,
Ninilchik Natives Association can’t claim tideland. In fact they had to
lease tideland from the State of Alaska DNR 3/4 of a mile west of the sand spit
to construct a temporary dock to export wood chips, and,
Whereas the present owners of the homestead
cannot claim the sand spit because it is tideland lying outside the boundaries
of United States Survey 4684.
Whereas I have many decades of sweat equity
building cabins and the boats we use in our set-net fishery. I have sweat
equity in constructing our 3,600 square foot home plus the hanging and mending
our fish nets, boats and gear.
Whereas I am a sovereign “ON” the land
USING IT IN COMMERCE with a valid claim to it before Alaska was a state.
The cited Lien Debtors will be
lined for a minimum of $22,857,000.00 each, based on Title 18,
Section 241, of the United States Code for violation of United States
Constitutional Rights including the Seventh Amendment of the Bill of Rights,
guaranteeing a jury trial in all commercial processes and approximately 35
other commercial provisions of the United States Constitution.
to the Public Fraud, Law, Money and Commercial Liens:
Whom These Presents Shall Come; Greetings; Take Notice: I HEREBY DEMAND
LAWSUIT: NO. 3AN-04-9080
CIVIL. Claimants are allowed to claim four times their actual losses.
My Attorney costs for this frivolous lawsuit: $
The destruction of the crab fishery with tanker
ballast water: $2,000,000.
My brother’s life: No amount of money can repay
me for that.
My Daughter’s life: No amount of money can repay
me for that.
The cost of my bankruptcy due to the destruction
of the crab fisheries: $900,000.
Loss of my 72-foot boat, Mary M after the state
allowed the destruction of the shrimp and crab fisheries: today’s boat prices:
Loss of 200 crab pots: $ 150,000.
Loss of our home, warehouse and deep water
mooring in Halibut Cove $600,000.
Loss of Tuxedni Bay homestead after I paid off
the State mortgage $1,000,000.
10. Loss
of the herring fishery due to oil spills. $2,000,000.
11. Loss
of my process ship Orion: $6,950,000 after a state company stole my business
12. Loss
of the halibut fishery given away to the Federal Corporation by Governor, Tony
Knowles for political gain: $1,000,000.
13. Loss
of the shrimp & clams due to tanker ballast & oil well blowouts:
14. Health
related problems due to divorce, suffering, worry and stress: $334,020.
15. Loss
due declining value and forced sale of our Seldovia property. $150,000.
16. Lost
fishing time for having to appear in court: $20,000.
17. Our skiffs and outboards are worth $30,000.
18. Twelve nets are worth a total of $10,600.00
with anchors buoys and lines.
19. I paid $10,000 for my Polaris six wheeler
in Tuxedni Bay.
20. The 20 by 20-foot cabin on the Home point
21. 10 by 12-foot cabin 100 yards west of home
22. 8 by 8-foot cabin on the end of the sand
spit $4,000.
23. 8 by 8-foot sauna cabin $4,000.
24. 8 BY 8-foot heavy timber, cellar with
cement foundation $4,000.
25. 8 by 8-foot generator shed $2,000.
26. Machine shop tools including my 16-inch
swing metal lathe plus all the accessory tools, welder, planer, table saw etc.
27. Loss of my 13 by 24-foot upstairs apartment
$ 8,000.
28. Our annual salmon catch of $50,000.00 for
the next ten years $500,000.
29. The loss of our future subsistence hunting
and fishing rights. $500,000.
30. Lost time, stress and aggravation over the
last eleven years $110,000.
31. The money taken out of HENRY KROLL
CIVIL during the last eleven years. $4,000,000.
Total owed AFFIANT: $22,857,000.00 jointly and
severally. Please be advised that the lien claimant of a non-judicial
commercial lien is entitled to three times the actual loss. A commercial lien
will be recorded and UCC1 within 20 days.
Whereas it is mandated in The
Constitution of the State of Alaska SECTION 18. EMINENT DOMAIN: Private
property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just
compensation. If the SUPERIOR COURT cannot abide with the Alaska Constitution
in Case No. 3AN-04-9080 CIVIL then
it is not a COURT.
Whereas the
lawsuit was a violation of our families’ First Amendment Animist religious
beliefs. As a Native Alaskans born in Alaska we have to work with nature and
become a part of it to survive. Destroying our means to earn a living, taking
our fishing gear, private property and forcing us to live in poverty without
just compensation is genocide.
Whereas Defendants were made to suffer
numerous TORTS forcing us to attending unlawful administrative hearings, use
credit cards to pay lawyers and other TORTS described in my 15 un-rebutted
AFFIDAVITS filed with this court in alleged CASE NUMBER 3AN-04-9080
CIVIL to defend our subsistence hunting and fishing rights, our right to earn a
living and our way of life. The only duty of any government is to secure and
protect property, and,
Whereas Officers of the Court dis not uphold their oaths they
are in Breach of Fiduciary Duty. Please restore my property.
Failure to register a dispute
against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and
permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of
charges under any statute or Act against My Self Freeman-on-the-Land.
Place of claim of right to
use: sand spit / tideland south of US 4685 north shore Tuxedni Bay, Alaska
North American Union ~ One World Order.
Furthermore I claim the right
to file and enforce a COMMERCIAL LIEN AGAINST those parties
who stole property from me
and my family under color of law using CONSTUCTIVE TRUST administrative rulings
in a contract court. Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and
affected parties, that I, _______________________________________ a Freeman-on
the- Land do hereby state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to
peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations restrictions
and maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter .
Constructive Notice of Child
of God Status:
Whereas Alaska is a territory
claimed and founded upon the belief in the principles of the supremacy of God
and the rule of law, and,
Whereas the number two
position in that hierarchy is not claimed by anyone, and,
Whereas the governments of
this nation seem to rely on deception to gain the power to govern, and,
Whereas I am desirous of
living my life as a 'Child of God,' and,
Whereas the only powers able
to claim any authority over a 'Child of God' is God, and,
Whereas neither the
government, nor its agents nor its representatives or employees are God, or
above God, and,
Whereas by legally claiming
the number two position in the above mentioned hierarchy, I occupy a position
above all governments and their agents and employees and representatives,
Be it known to any and all,
that on this date,
free human being, do hereby lawfully claim the status of a 'Child of God'.
Any human being who wishes to
claim any authority over me must first prove they exist above God; they are
God; they are between me and God; or they have a document upon the face of
which can be found the verifiable signature of God. Failure to first do one of
the above mentioned things means all claims to authority is abandoned or is
unlawful. Attempting to exercise any authority over me without first fulfilling
one of the four above mentioned requirements is an unlawful act of fraud and /or
Defendants were made to suffer TORTS forcing us
to attending unlawful administrative hearings, use credit cards to pay lawyers
and other TORTS described in my 15 un-rebutted AFFIDAVITS filed with this court
in alleged CASE NUMBER 3AN-04-9080 CIVIL to defend our subsistence hunting
and fishing rights, our right to earn a living and our way of life. The only
duty of any government is to secure and protect property. If Officers of the Court don’t uphold their oaths they are in
Breach of Fiduciary Duty. Please
restore my property.
I, Henry-Frederick: Kroll,
OF RIGHT is true and correct, according to the best
of my current information, knowledge, and belief, so help me God. A real court of LAW
must proceed under Oath of Office and in truth.
Notice to Principal is
Notice to agent and Notice to agent is Notice to Principal.
this____day of FEBRUARY 2015
Sui Juris
By authorized representative, HENRY KROLL
prejudice, UCC 1-207 & UCC 1-308
and sworn to at____________, before me this___day of February, 2015
Commission Expires____________________
My hand and official
Henry Kroll do hereby swear and declare that I have served by the United States
Mail, a copy of this NOTICE OF
IN EQUITY by US mail to the respondents listed below.
Dated February____, 2015
By authorized representative, Henry-Frederick for
Alaska Superior Court Andrew
R. Naylor
825 West 4th Avenue 1031 W. 4th Ave, Ste. 200
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Anchorage,
Alaska 99501
BRIAN DUFFY Ninilchik Native Association Inc. Calvin
1029 W. 3rd Ave., Ste. 510 PO
Box 241921
Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 258-9053 Anchorage, Alaska
Marla Greenstein Jeremy
Provencio and Caroline Kroll
510 L Street, Suite 585 PO Box 222211
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Anchorage,
Alaska 99501
Adam Smith Senator Don
State of Alaska DNR Governor Bill Walker
550 W. 5th Ave., Suite 900 C Mark Begich
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3577 Senator
Dan Sullivan
State of Alaska Department of
P.O. Box 110204
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0204
Friday, February 6, 2015
More free money...only you have to pay them first.
to me
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404 Bethnal Green Road,
Bethnal Green, London
E2 0AH.
Tel: +447024097792
Fax: +448435583382
Working Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM
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24/7 Online Service
Your ref: LTSBNS/46/47-0012
Attn: Henry Kroll,
Thank you for your prompt response to our request.
The Following Are Requirement For Offshore Account Setup.
Regards to my previous email, will are now done with our personal verification and below are the various offshore account we have here in Credit Foncier Bank for easy withdraw of funds from our website online into any local bank account around the world. This accounts enable you to make a withdraw without any interception from any government agencies.
We sincerely hope the above information is helpful to you. Kindly make your choice from the three category and inform us with details to proceed. If you have any questions and for further clarification(s), write us. We're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Let us have your opinion so we can provide you with remittance information's.
Looking forward for your prompt response.
At Crédit Foncier, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you better.
Mr. Bryan Ellis
Relationship Officer,
Crédit Foncier International Retail Banking
Tel: +447053820796
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